GenesisCS Component Concentrating System
GenesisCS Component Concentrating System
Providing the next generation
of regenerative therapies.

We are a distributor of amnion-derived products and other medical solutions to physicians, surgeons, clinics, and hospitals.
The AbsolutePRP Concentrating System
The AbsolutePRP Concentrating System has been re branded from the former 544e. AbsolutePRP provides the complete PRP composition. Therapeutically high concentrations of platelets and growth factors along with very high concentrations of neutrophils, monocytes and other cell mediating cytokines. AbsolutePRP is the fastest and most efficient single spin 60mL concentrating systems available. Prepare 7mL of PRP, with high concentrations of regenerative cells, in a SINGLE 5 MINUTE SPIN. These systems were designed to accommodate physicians that run a busy practice and mandate superior performance outcomes that is consistent and reliable.

The AbsoluteBMC Concentrating System
The AbsoluteBMC Concentrating System has been re branded from the former 544e. AbsoluteBMC provides significant concentrations of CFU-F, CD34+, and total nucleated cell counts. CD34+ are cell markers for hematopoietic stem cells. These are the primary multipotent cells that replenishes all blood cell types. These cells are crucial for the regenerative processes needed for active tissue repair. In addition to these cells are CFU-F, which are representative of mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent stromal cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including cartilage, bone and adipose cells. AbsoluteBMC provide therapeutic concentrations of these cell types which is the key to desirable patient outcomes. AbsolutePRP is the fastest and most efficient single spin 60mL concentrating systems available. Prepare 7mL of BMC, in a SINGLE 5 MINUTE SPIN.

“My knee injections with amnio did exceptionally well for me, even letting me return in to competitive cycling. I put 1000 miles on my racing bike last year, only 6 months after my amnio injections.”
“In my 7 years using human placental tissue allografts patients experienced a more rapid recovery time than conventional standard of care treatments. Patients and I noted a significant decrease in inflammation/ swelling which reduces pain and increases function. Unlike cortisone which has a long list of side effects, no adverse events have ever been reported using these placental tissue allograft.”